Our Offer

SIRCONTEC's unique foam generators and reliable technology for producing, transporting and installing foam concrete are approved industrial solutions for improving the properties and reducing the costs of building and geotechnical structures.

Our Offer
Our Offer
Our Offer
Our Offer
Our Offer
Our Offer
Our Offer
Our Offer

Our Offer


The SIRCONTEC company brings innovative approaches to the field of Lightweight Concrete (LC) with natural setting (no autoclaving).

SIRCONTEC has developed a range of Foam Concrete and Polystyrene Concrete along with the technology for their reliably repeatable production, transport, and installation. These LCs meet industrial quality control standards* applicable to the large construction industry, making it easier for designers to design building structures using these flexible materials.

Today, in common construction practice, these LCs are used together with highly productive procedures for the construction of some structures of civil buildings, geotechnical structures, blocks, panels, and also entire civil buildings.

SIRCONTEC offers a complete technological system for the production, transportation and installation of Lightweight Concretes:

  1. Production and Delivery Machines
  2. Production and Control Procedures for LCs
  3. Building structures with LC application
  4. Optimised Chemical Products

* Some SIRCONTEC modifications of Foam Concrete and Polystyrene Concrete are certified building materials (Technical Assessment TSÚS SK TP-14/0118)

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